。從那以後,倒數第二周是最雄心勃勃的漫畫活動之一……好吧,X的X X不是很久以前,但是在那之前,已經有一段時間了。實際上,未來的狀態甚至更加雄心勃勃。畢竟,Marvel並沒有關閉整個線路只是為了告訴X劍。但是,現在我們已經過去了兩週(即涵蓋這個問題),我們看到了一切如何融合在一起,或者我過去十四篇文章的錯了。無論哪種方式都可以走。
在這裡,還有其他人在穆斯塔法爾(Mustafar)上獲得強大的anakin vs kenobi嗎? (圖片:DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界2,DC漫畫)
因此,在DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界第二,我們有四個線程必須融合在一起。首先,超人打破了競技場中奴隸的鏈條。其次,Miracle先生將交流重新打開。第三,中型士兵服用假kryptonite。第四,黑人賽車手領導著競技場下方的免費奴隸。但是,我們從未看到所有這些線程如何融合在一起。希望這將在下週發生。就目前而言,讓我們看一下他們如何達到這些觀點 – 因為漫畫,即使未完成,仍然真的很好。
Mario Kart DLC淘金熱.mp4
這就是我們在出色的藝術和出色的寫作碰撞到異常感動時所得到的。 (圖片:DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界2,DC漫畫)
調色師:喬迪·貝萊爾(Jordie Bellaire)
最後一期,這個故事的第一部分使我視而不見。儘管被稱為星球綠巨人的故事,但約翰遜給我們的是一個關於克拉克·肯特的價值的驚人故事,而不僅僅是超人。一名參加超人守夜活動的年輕女子失望地席捲了失望,因為所有人都想談論的是超人。她想談論克拉克·肯特。在DC Future State第七週,我們發現她說克拉克救了她時所指出的一切。
正如我們在角斗士戒指中看到的超人一樣,我們也收到了克拉克的文章之一。具體來說,一個關於一個無家可歸的大都市公民的itu告,但仍然有著悠久的生活。但是,從“偉大”的意義上講,不是“驚人的”,而是真正的驚奇。埃德加·沃特斯(Edgar Watters)是一名音樂家,戰爭英雄,民權活動家,政治家,慈善家等等。他可能已經匿名死了,但他對大都市的影響要比任何個人意識到。年輕女子薩迪(Sadie)準備跳下壁架,但克拉克(Clark)的職位啟發了她繼續生活。沒有損失的生命。
我們在戰鬥坑中看到超人在Warworld上,慢慢地打破了蒙古爾奴隸的鏈條。我們還發現蒙古經常殺死超人,並複活他只是為了再次戰鬥而死。此外,當Warworld奴隸握住他們破碎的鏈條時,我們得到了一個很棒的懸崖。 Mongul可能想現在開始運行。
好的,這是很多邪惡的外星船隻臨近,但是您有魔術碟,您會沒事的。 (圖片:DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界2,DC漫畫)
藝術家:Valentine de Landro
調色師:瑪麗莎·路易絲(Marissa Louise)
奇蹟先生是備用故事中有四個章節的少數角色(可能是唯一的角色)之一。但是這裡有一個自負。伊斯頓實際上在講兩個不同的故事。在第一個故事中,喬納森·肯特(Jonathan Kent)剛剛縮小了大都市,並將其放入雪球。這些奇怪的機器人幾乎立即出現並無緣無故地開始攻擊人們。但是下次我們看到Shiloh時,他在Warworld上復活了。所以……我們知道他死了。直到下週回到第一個故事,我們才知道如何。在他利用母親盒子的所有力量殺死機器人之後,其中一個人剛好剩下足夠的左派,可以將他淘汰。然而,仍然有一個揮之不去的問題:誰將機器人送來。
這是奇蹟先生。是的!時間循環物理時間。 Shiloh向地球傳達了一條信息,但喬納森·肯特(Jonathan Kent)攔截了它,他不知道背景,認為它來自他的微型都市。它部署了機器人,以中和他認為是威脅。那威脅?奇蹟先生,他們殺害並送往沃沃爾世界的人,在那裡他向喬納森·肯特(Jonathan Kent)攔截但沒有的消息傳達了一條信息,但沒有 – 看嗎?有點循環。直到DC Future Nation第七週,我們才能得到如此經典的科幻小說,這真是令人敬畏。但是,即使它是經典的頭抓者,伊斯頓也很棒地使用它。另外,來回between the two stories made the narrative even better.
In DC Future state Week Seven, Mister miracle Fixes a plot hole from Superman of Metropolis.
Can you describe that one a lot more time? (圖片:DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界2,DC漫畫)
At the same time, it answers the question of how long Metropolis was in the dome.好吧,有點。 even though to Jonathan, it was just a long day, the space travel they encountered thanks to brain Cells warped the time around the dome. We actually knew that already, from Superman of Metropolis #2. However, that time variance also affects the time distance between earth and wherever brain Cells took the city. So, while Johnathan Kent and Kara Zor-El can fly to that point in the universe in a day, the actual difference in time for earth was several months—maybe even years, considering the sentiment around Jonathan in Superman: Worlds of war #1. Time variation by means of space travel, always a headache, right?
Midnighter part II uses a lot more Time loops – and a baby Midnighter!
awwwwwwwwwww! (圖片:DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界2,DC漫畫)
Writers: Becky Cloonan and Michael W Conrad
Artist: Michael Avon Oeming
調色師:喬迪·貝萊爾(Jordie Bellaire)
When we last saw Midnighter, he was facing his husband, Apollo, in a lab on Warworld. but did Apollo really go evil? Of course not, and no one is deceiving Midnighter. He doesn’t need the supercomputer in his brain to know that this is a Trojan Horse. Actually, it’s the CEO of Trojan Solutions, Andrej Trojan. A bit on the nose. but hey, marvel has a character named Victor Von Doom, so this isn’t even that bluntly literal. Trojan wants humankind to “ascend” by getting rid of the body and replacing it with wires and mechanics. Yet his explanation is actually kind of profound. He tells Midnighter, “Suffering is brought upon by the very meat we mistake as the self.” Sure, it’s a villain speaking, but it’s also the best argument against America’s toxic diet culture. but instead of becoming robots, we can be content with the bodies we have.
More Time travel Shennanigans in DC Future state Week Seven
We’ve already some crazy time travel in DC Future state week seven, with Mister Miracle’s experience. but get ready for some bizarre scenes. Actually, remember that scene in Avengers: Endgame when Ant-Man keeps trying to travel through time, but time traveled through him? ad we got baby Ant-Man, old man Ant-Man, and teenage Ant-Man? Midnighter gets that treatment. When Trojan turns on a time nexus machine, we get the baby Midnighter seen above, and then he’s sped forward into old man Midnighter. Yet, while he’s old, another Midnighter shows up through the Nexus to help him.
It turns out he was helping all along and was from the past. how is that possible? because the old man version goes through the Nexus, becomes the proper age again, and figures out a way to get to war world in the future to help his older self do exactly that. What does the younger Midnighter do after he tosses his older self through the Nexus? Not quite sure. He says he’s stuck in a paradox, but he also seems complimentary from it too. like I said before, time travel – amirite?
Now, moving on to the last Superman: Worlds of war story in DC Future state week seven.
Black Racer part II Exemplifies the greatest fault in DC Future state Week Seven: fun Stories, No real Resolutions
Her dating profile said “kind of tall,” not “monolith tall.” (圖片:DC未來狀態:超人:戰爭世界2,DC漫畫)
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: Sia Oum
Colorist: Hi-Fi
So, this story is a bit hard to critique. On the one hand, the Black Racer’s character development was wonderful. However, there’s no resolution to the story. We get the continually recurring “The End” with a question mark. and the same happened in every story of DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of war and other week seven titles. but for now, let’s focus on Black Racer, because she’s an exceptional character.
Her backstory isn’t clear, but her motivation is. someone killed her, and she wants revenge. Yet, while blasting her way through the lower rings of Warworld, she inadvertently starts leading a rebellion. and while she’s not there to lead freed slaves, she still lets them join her. I don’t know where this character will pop up next, but I hope we will see a lot more of her soon. Also, hopefully, we’ll see what happens to Warworld in DC Future state week eight considering that we only got “to be continued” in week seven.
Immortal wonder woman #2 features two of the best stories in DC Future state Week Seven
about the same chances of me getting a date with Gal Gadot. (Image: DC Future State: Immortal wonder woman #2, DC Comics)
Wonder woman is having a terrific few years, but not just because she’s had a hit motion picture and a big (yet divisive) sequel. She’s risen to such prominence in DC Comics, both as a franchise and as a character. As we saw at the end of Dark Nights: death金屬,她從字面上登上了神靈之上的神性 – 可以塑造宇宙的人。但是,與戴安娜(Diana)一起,其餘的亞馬遜戰士也表現不錯。當然,Yara為DC Future State提供了自己的系列賽。但是努比亞在第七週得出了一個很棒的結論,即使這是不朽的《神奇女俠》的備用故事。所以,讓我們看看!
戴安娜·王子(Diana Prince)第2部分可能是整個活動中最令人驚嘆的故事
作家:Becky Cloonan和Michael W Conrad
藝術家:詹·巴特爾(Jen Bartel)
好的 – 如何在不哭泣的情況下審查和回顧一下。克洛南(Cloonan)和康拉德(Conrad)寫了真正的最後一個故事的最後一個故事,而不是在第七週。為什麼?因為這實際上是關於一切的終結和開始的。 《神奇女俠》在時間結束時獨自一人,這是宇宙中僅有的兩個靈魂之一。她一直在努力尋找生活的跡象,但是在恩斯之後,她幾乎放棄了希望。但是,最終,她遇到了最後一個活著的靈魂,即幽靈。這是一種深刻的情感交流。 Spectre只是在等待《神力女超人》找到他,以便他最終可以死亡。然後是這個交流:
至少在寫作時,沒人能看到我在哭。 (圖片:DC未來狀態:不朽的神奇女俠#2,DC漫畫)
當幽靈死亡(只是寫那個,隱喻在臉上有點傻,但不是壞人)時,《神奇女俠》終於屈服於黑暗破壞了宇宙。但是隨後發生了預期的事情,但仍然出色的事情發生了。她超越了黑暗,引發了一個新的宇宙。但是,讓我們讓詹·巴特爾(Jen Bartel)向我們展示,因為她在這部漫畫中的作品真是太神奇了。另外,這表明我不必繼續努力避免哭泣。
只是……美麗。 (圖片:DC未來狀態:不朽的神奇女俠#2,DC漫畫)
作家:LL McKinney
鉛筆師:阿麗莎·馬丁內斯(Alitha Martinez)
墨人:馬克·莫拉萊斯(Mark Morales)
調色師:Emilio Lopez
戴安娜·普林斯(Diana Prince)的故事是關於萬物終結的地方,努比亞的故事超越了過去,當前的未來狀態。最後一期,努比亞將廢話從女神或神聖的聖杯中踢出來。 Grail收集了各種能夠做所有能力的人工製品所做的力量的工件:釋放某種邪惡的黑暗事物。但這沒關係。重要的是我們對這個神奇女俠努比亞的了解。或者,我們必須稱她為監護人嗎?因為事實證明,她在保護諸如邪惡文物之類的東西方面至關重要。
當Grail召集女神Circe時,她認為女神將很容易移走Nubia的頭飾,這實際上是另一個女神的王冠。但是,更多的Circe試圖從Nubia中脫穎而出,這變得更加艱難。最後,Circe打破了一些東西 – 束縛努比亞的束縛。 “失落的亞馬遜人”(原來是)受保護的亞馬遜人。哦,受到誰的保護?所有的女神。主要是約魯巴河女神奧森。
任何可以在Shazam中引起關注的人都必須被恐懼。 (圖片:DC未來狀態:Shazam!#2,DC漫畫)
作家:蒂姆·謝里丹(Tim Sheridan)
鉛筆師:愛德華多·潘西卡(Eduardo Pansica)
調色師:Marcelo Maiolo